
The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide For Greater Work-Life Balance

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Robert and Kay Lee Fukui
Balancing the priorities of my marriage while meeting the demands of an international organization was not always easy. Unfortunately, back then, there wasn’t a handbook on how to succeed in marriage and business at the same time. In their new book Tandem, Robert and Kay Lee neatly lay out many of the solutions to work-life balance that I had to learn the hard way. Whether you work together with your spouse or not, this is a must-read.
— Howard Behar, retired president, Starbucks Corporation

Does Work-Life Balance Exist?

As a married entrepreneur, counterbalancing your marriage with your business may feel awkward and out of step.

Like riding a tandem bike, teamwork and constant communication are required to get to where you’re going successfully.

Are You Prioritizing Your Schedule
or Your Priorities?

Our natural tendency as business owners is to:

  • Spend more time on the business than our marriage

  • Give our family sloppy seconds, thirds, or fourths

  • Wear the hustle of entrepreneurship like a badge of honor

  • Overlook the real source of any conflicts and issues

Which leads to more challenges, regrets, struggles, and sometimes divorce.

What if there were a way to end the power struggles that surface while you're trying to build a thriving marriage and prosperous business?

There is!

Stop the Finger Pointing. 
Start Fixing the Problems.

Because we have walked a mile in your shoes as a couple who owns and runs a business together, we’ve developed strategies and steps that have successfully worked for us and thousands of other couples we’ve coached.

“Thanks to Robert and Kay Lee, my business and marriage no longer work against each other, but grow together... ... Turns out they can work together like a team!”

— Duane Zingale

“Any married solopreneur or couplepreneur who longs for success, harmony, and marriage-work balance will benefit from reading this book--and taking action on it. I highly recommend this book and the wealth of free videos, exercises, and resources that come with it.”

— Joy Capps

“This book is an amazing book that has opened my eyes in a new way to looking at my marriage and our business. My husband and I own a real estate investment firm and I work as a pharmacist currently with the goal of walking away at some point to work with my husband full time and raise our kids.”

— Cheryl-Ann Decavo

Order Your Copy Now

Tandem — The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance — equips you to…

Regain balance between your business and family

  • Prioritize your marriage before work

  • Work well as a team in and outside of the business

  • Increase profits without working harder

  • Scale and grow the business for greater freedom

  • Learn how to resolve conflict and strengthen your relationships

3 Ways to Use the Book


Some people have photographic memories and can absorb everything they read. If that’s you, go for it!


For others, they need additional touchpoints like videos and a workbook to reinforce what’s being taught. If that’s you, be sure to scan the QR code at the end of each chapter to get the bonus resources.


Another way to reinforce what you learn is to teach. So feel free to use the book and all the accompanying resources to help other married entrepreneurs achieve greater work-life balance. Facilitate a group.

Learn To Work Smarter, Not Harder

About the Authors

Robert and Kay Lee Fukui have used their shared passions and business expertise to help entrepreneurs and couplepreneurs strengthen and grow since they officially merged as husband and wife on March 13, 2006.

As the founders of Power Couples by Design™, they realize it is impossible not to bring home what happens at the office, and vice versa.

After winning awards for helping corporations create long-term profitability and sustainability in their businesses, they have woven together corporate best practices with the heart of family businesses. 

In Tandem, they share the exact process they have taught thousands of married entrepreneurs to harmonize work and home.

Robert and Kay Lee live in Pasadena, California, with their furchild, Pippa.

You can learn more about them, their courses, coaching, and events at https://marriedentrepreneur.co/.

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